Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jun 04 13:44:06 2015
This file is part of pyNLO.

    pyNLO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    pyNLO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with pyNLO.  If not, see <>.
@author: ycasg
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate
from import DTabulationToBetas
from scipy.misc import factorial
from scipy import constants
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from pynlo.util.pynlo_ffts import IFFT_t
from import JSONFiberLoader

#    "name"
#    "dispersion_format" ["D","GVD"]
#    "nonlinear_parameter"
#    if D:
#        "dispersion_x_units"
#        "dispersion_y_units"
#        "dispersion_data" [2,n]
#    if GVD:
#        "dispersion_gvd_units"
#        "dispersion_gvd_center_wavelength"
#        "dispersion_data"[1,n]
#    "is_gain"
#    if is_gain:
#        "gain_spectrum"
#        "gain_x_units"

[docs]class FiberInstance: """This is a class that contains the information about a fiber.""" betas = None length = None fibertype = None fiberspecs = {} poly_order = None gamma = None def __init__(self, fiber_db = 'general_fibers', fiber_db_dir = None): self.c_mks = constants.speed_of_light self.c = constants.speed_of_light * 1e9/1e12 # c in nm/ps self.is_simple_fiber = False self.fiberloader = JSONFiberLoader.JSONFiberLoader(fiber_db, fiber_db_dir) self.dispersion_changes_with_z = False self.gamma_changes_with_z = False
[docs] def load_from_db(self, length, fibertype, poly_order = 2): """This loads a fiber from the database. """ self.fibertype = fibertype self.fiberspecs = self.fiberloader.get_fiber(fibertype) self.length = length self.betas = np.array([0]) self.gamma = self.fiberspecs["gamma"] self.poly_order = poly_order self.load_dispersion()
[docs] def load_from_file(self, filename, length=0.1, fiberName=None, gamma_W_m=0, gain=0, alpha=0, delimiter=',', skiprows=0, poly_order=3): """ This loads dispersion give the path of a file. The file is expected to be in the format wavelength (nm), D (ps/nm/km). """ import os if fiberName == None: self.fibertype = os.path.basename(filename) else: self.fibertype = fiberName self.fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] = "D" self.poly_order = poly_order self.gain = gain self.length = length self.gamma = gamma_W_m if gain == 0: self.fiberspecs["is_gain"] = False else: self.fiberspecs["is_gain"] = True self.fiberspecs['gain_x_data' ] = None self.x, self.y = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=delimiter, skiprows=skiprows, unpack=True)
[docs] def load_dispersion(self): """This is typically called by the "load_from_db" function. It takes the values from the self.fiberspecs dict and transfers them into the appropriate variables. """ if self.fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] == "D": self.dispersion_x_units = self.fiberspecs["dispersion_x_units"] self.dispersion_y_units = self.fiberspecs["dispersion_y_units"] self.x = self.fiberspecs["dispersion_x_data"] self.y = self.fiberspecs["dispersion_y_data"] return 1 elif self.fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] == "GVD": self.dispersion_gvd_units = self.fiberspecs["dispersion_gvd_units"] self.center_wavelength = self.fiberspecs["dispersion_gvd_center_wavelength"] # If in km^-1 units, scale to m^-1 if self.dispersion_gvd_units == 'ps^n/km': self.betas = np.array(self.fiberspecs["dispersion_data"]) / 1e3 return 1 else: print( "Error: no dispersion found.") return None
[docs] def set_dispersion_function(self, dispersion_function, dispersion_format='GVD'): """ This allows the user to provide a function for the fiber dispersion that can vary as a function of `z`, the length along the fiber. The function can either provide beta2, beta3, beta4, etc. coefficients, or provide two arrays, wavelength (nm) and D (ps/nm/km) Parameters ---------- dispersion_function : function returning D or Beta coefficients as a function of z dispersion_formats: 'GVD' or 'D' or 'n' determines if the dispersion will be identified in terms of Beta coefficients (GVD, in units of ps^2/m, not ps^2/km) or D (ps/nm/km) n (effective refractive index) Notes ----- For example, this code will create a fiber where Beta2 changes from anomalous to zero along the fiber: :: Length = 1.5 def myDispersion(z): frac = 1 - z/(Length) beta2 = frac * -50e-3 beta3 = 0 beta4 = 1e-7 return beta2, beta3, beta4 fiber1 = fiber.FiberInstance() fiber1.generate_fiber(Length, center_wl_nm=800, betas=myDispersion(0), gamma_W_m=1) fiber.set_dispersion_function(myDisperion, dispersion_format='GVD') """ self.dispersion_changes_with_z = True self.fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] = dispersion_format self.dispersion_function = dispersion_function
[docs] def set_gamma_function(self, gamma_function): """ This allows the user to provide a function for gamma (the effective nonlinearity, in units of 1/(Watts * meters)) that can vary as a function of `z`, the length along the fiber. Parameters ---------- gamma_function : function returning gamma function of z """ self.gamma_function = gamma_function self.gamma_changes_with_z = True
[docs] def get_gamma(self, z=0): """ Allows the gamma (effective nonlinearity) to be queried at a specific z-position Parameters ---------- z : float the position along the fiber (in meters) Returns ------- gamma : float the effective nonlinearity (in units of 1/(Watts * meters))""" if self.gamma_changes_with_z: gamma = self.gamma_function(z) else: gamma = self.gamma return gamma
[docs] def get_betas(self, pulse, z=0): """This provides the propagation constant (beta) at the frequencies of the supplied pulse grid. The units are 1/meters. Two different methods are used, If fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] == "D", then the DTabulationToBetas function is used to fit the datapoints in terms of the Beta2, Beta3, etc. coefficients expanded around the pulse central frequency. If fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] == "GVD", then the betas are calculated as a Taylor expansion using the Beta2, Beta3, etc. coefficients around the *fiber* central frequency. However, since this expansion is done without the lower order coefficients, the first two terms of the Taylor expansion are not defined. In order to provide a nice input for the SSFM, which assumes that the group velocity will be zero at the pulse central frequency, the slope and offset at the pump central frequency are set to zero. If fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] == "n", then the betas are calculated directly from the **effective refractive index (n_eff)** as beta = n_eff * 2 * pi / lambda, where lambda is the wavelength of the light. In this case, self.x should be the wavelength (in nm) and self.y should be n_eff (unitless). Parameters ---------- pulse : an instance of the :class:`pynlo.light.pulse.PulseBase` class the pulse must be supplied in order for the frequency grid to be known Returns ------- B : 1D array of floats the propagation constant (beta) at the frequency gridpoints of the supplied pulse (units of 1/meters). """ # if the dispersion changes with z, we need to reload the dispersion: if self.dispersion_changes_with_z: if self.fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] == "D" or self.fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] == "n": self.x, self.y = self.dispersion_function(z) if self.fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] == "GVD": self.betas = np.array(self.dispersion_function(z)) B = np.zeros((pulse.NPTS,)) if self.fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] == "D": self.betas = DTabulationToBetas(pulse.center_wavelength_nm, np.transpose(np.vstack((self.x,self.y))), self.poly_order, DDataIsFile = False) for i in range(len(self.betas)): B = B + self.betas[i]/factorial(i+2)*pulse.V_THz**(i+2) return B elif self.fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] == "GVD": # calculate beta[n]/n! * (w-w0)^n # w0 is the center of the Taylor expansion, and is defined by the # fiber. the w's are from the optical spectrum fiber_omega0 = 2*np.pi*self.c / self.center_wavelength # THz betas = self.betas for i in range(len(betas)): betas[i] = betas[i] B = B + betas[i] / factorial(i + 2) * (pulse.W_THz-fiber_omega0)**(i + 2) elif self.fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] == "n": # simply interpolate (using a spline) the betas from the refractive index # self.x is the wavelength in nm # self.y is the refractive index (unitless) supplied_W_THz = 2 * np.pi * 1e-12 * 3e8 / (self.x*1e-9) supplied_betas = self.y * 2 * np.pi / (self.x * 1e-9) # InterpolatedUnivariateSpline wants increasing x, so flip arrays interpolator = scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(supplied_W_THz[::-1], supplied_betas[::-1]) B = interpolator(pulse.W_THz) # in the case of "GVD" or "n" it's possible (likely) that the betas will not be zero and have zero # slope at the pulse central frequency. For the NLSE, we need to move into a frame propagating at the # same group velocity, so we need to set the value and slope of beta at the pulse wavelength to zero: if self.fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] == "GVD" or self.fiberspecs["dispersion_format"] == "n": center_index = np.argmin(np.abs(pulse.V_THz)) slope = np.gradient(B)/np.gradient(pulse.W_THz) B = B - slope[center_index] * (pulse.V_THz) - B[center_index] # print B return B else: return -1
[docs] def get_gain(self,pulse,output_power = 1): """ Retrieve gain spectrum for fiber. If fiber has 'simple gain', this is a scalar. If the fiber has a gain spectrum (eg EDF or YDF), this will return this spectrum as a vector corresponding to the Pulse class frequency axis. In this second case, the output power must be specified, from which the gain/length is calculated. """ if self.fiberspecs["is_gain"]: if self.is_simple_fiber: return self.gain else: # If the fiber is generated then it has no gain spectrum # and an array with all values equal to self.gain is returned. # This is signaled by gain_x_data. if self.fiberspecs['gain_x_data'] is not None: self.gain_x_units = self.fiberspecs["gain_x_units"] x = np.array(self.fiberspecs["gain_x_data"]) y = np.array(self.fiberspecs["gain_y_data"]) f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(self.c_mks/x[::-1],y[::-1],kind ='cubic', bounds_error=False,fill_value=0) gain_spec = f(pulse.W_mks/ (2*np.pi)) g = lambda k: np.abs(output_power - pulse.frep_Hz * pulse.dT_mks* np.trapz(np.abs( IFFT_t( pulse.AW * np.exp(k*gain_spec*self.length/2.0) ) )**2)) scale_factor = minimize(g, 1, method='Powell') # print 'Power:',pulse.frep * pulse.dt_seconds*\ # np.trapz(np.abs( # IFFT_t( FFT_t(pulse.A) * # np.exp(scale_factor.x*gain_spec*self.length/2.0) # ) # )**2) return gain_spec * scale_factor.x else: return np.ones((pulse.NPTS,)) * self.gain else: return np.zeros((pulse.NPTS,))
[docs] def Beta2_to_D(self, pulse): # in ps / nm / km """ This provides the dispersion parameter D (in ps / nm / km) at each frequency of the supplied pulse""" return -2 * np.pi * self.c / pulse.wl_nm**2 * self.Beta2(pulse) * 1000
[docs] def Beta2(self, pulse): """ This provides the beta_2 (in ps^2 / meter).""" dw = pulse.V_THz[1] - pulse.V_THz[0] out = np.diff(self.get_betas(pulse), 2) / dw**2 out = np.append(out[0], out) out = np.append(out, out[-1]) return out
[docs] def generate_fiber(self, length, center_wl_nm, betas, gamma_W_m, gain = 0, gvd_units = 'ps^n/m', label = 'Simple Fiber'): """ This generates a fiber instance using the beta-coefficients.""" self.length = length self.fiberspecs= {} self.fiberspecs['dispersion_format'] = 'GVD' self.fibertype = label if gain == 0: self.fiberspecs["is_gain"] = False else: self.fiberspecs["is_gain"] = True self.gain = gain # The following line signals get_gain to use a flat gain spectrum self.fiberspecs['gain_x_data' ] = None self.center_wavelength = center_wl_nm self.betas = np.copy(np.array(betas)) self.gamma = gamma_W_m # If in km^-1 units, scale to m^-1 if gvd_units == 'ps^n/km': self.betas = self.betas * 1.0e-3