Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jun 03 15:11:20 2015
This file is part of pyNLO.

    pyNLO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    pyNLO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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@author: ycasg
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
from scipy import misc, optimize
from scipy.constants import speed_of_light

[docs]class Crystal: """ Container for chi-2 nonlinear crystals. Actual crystal refractive index, dispersion, and nonlinearity information is stored in modular files. Read these in by calling <crystal>.load(crystal_instance, params). """ _c_nm_ps = speed_of_light*1e9/1e12 # c in nm/ps # Cache results _wavelength_axes = {} _enable_caching = False _cached_ns = {} _crystal_properties = {'damage_threshold_GW_per_sqcm': 1.0, 'damage_threshold_info' : ''} def __init__(self, params): if 'length' in params.keys(): self._length = params['length'] else: self._length = 1.0 if 'enable_caching' in params.keys(): self._enable_caching = params['enable_caching'] else: self._enable_caching = False def set_pp_chirp(self, start, stop): self.pp = lambda x: start + (stop-start) * x /self.length
[docs] def get_pulse_k(self, pulse_instance, axis = None): """ Return vector of angular wavenumbers (m^-1) for the pulse_instance's frequency grid inside the crystal """ if axis is None: ks = 2.0 * np.pi * self.n(pulse_instance.wl_nm) / pulse_instance.wl_mks else: ks = 2.0 * np.pi * self.n(pulse_instance.wl_nm, axis) / pulse_instance.wl_mks return ks
[docs] def get_pulse_n(self, pulse_instance, axis = None): """ Return vector of indices of refraction for the pulse_instance's frequency grid inside the crystal """ if self._enable_caching: if pulse_instance.cache_hash + str(axis) in self._cached_ns.keys(): return self._cached_ns[pulse_instance.cache_hash + str(axis)] else: if axis is None: ns = self.n(pulse_instance.wl_nm) else: ns = self.n(pulse_instance.wl_nm, axis) self._cached_ns[pulse_instance.cache_hash + str(axis)]= ns else: if axis is None: ns = self.n(pulse_instance.wl_nm) else: ns = self.n(pulse_instance.wl_nm, axis) return ns
[docs] def calculate_group_velocity_nm_ps(self, wavelengths_nm, axis = None): """ Calculate group velocity vg at 'wavelengths_nm' [nm] along 'axis' in units of nm/ps """ # Equation 4.7.7b in Verdeyen fn = lambda x: self.n(x, axis) dn_dl = misc.derivative(fn, wavelengths_nm, dx = 0.1, n = 1, order = 11) vg_inverse = (1.0 / self._c_nm_ps) * (fn(wavelengths_nm) - wavelengths_nm * dn_dl) return 1.0 / vg_inverse
[docs] def calculate_pulse_delay_ps(self, wl1_nm, wl2_nm, crystal_length_mks = None, axis = None): """ Calculate the pulse delay between pulses at wl1 and wl2 after crystal. Be default, crystal instance's length is used. """ if crystal_length_mks is None: crystal_length = self.length_nm else: crystal_length = 1.0e9 * crystal_length_mks vg1 = self.calculate_group_velocity_nm_ps(wl1_nm, axis) vg2 = self.calculate_group_velocity_nm_ps(wl2_nm, axis) delta_t = crystal_length/vg1 - crystal_length/vg2 return delta_t
[docs] def calculate_D_ps_nm_km(self, wavelengths_nm, axis = None): """ Calculate crystal dispersion at 'wavelengths_nm' [nm] along 'axis' in standard photonic engineering units ps/nm/km""" fn = lambda x: self.n(x, axis) d2n_dl2 = misc.derivative(fn, wavelengths_nm, dx = 0.1, n = 2, order = 11) D1 = (wavelengths_nm / self._c_nm_ps) * d2n_dl2 # units are ps/nm/nm D = D1 * 1.0e12 return D
[docs] def calculate_D_fs_um_mm(self, wavelengths_nm, axis = None): """ Calculate crystal dispersion at 'wavelengths_nm' along 'axis' in short crystal, broad bandwidth units of fs/um/mm """ D = self.calculate_D_ps_nm_km(wavelengths_nm, axis) scale = 1.0 return D * scale
[docs] def calculate_mix_phasematching_bw(self, pump_wl_nm, signal_wl_nm, axis = None ): r"""Calculate the phase matching bandwidth in the case of mixing between narrowband pump (highest photon energy) with a signal field. The bandwidths of mixing between pump-signal and pump-idler are calculated, and the smaller of the two is returned. Parameters ---------- pump_wl_nm : float Wavelength of pump field, bandwidth assumed to be 0 [nm] signal_wl_nm : array-like Wavelength of signal field [nm] Returns ------- acceptance bandwidth : float Phasematching bandwidth [m^-1 * m] References ---------- Peter E Powers, "Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics", pp 106 """ idler_wl_nm = 1.0/(1.0/pump_wl_nm - 1.0/signal_wl_nm) vg_s = self.calculate_group_velocity_nm_ps(signal_wl_nm, axis)*1e3 # m/s vg_i = self.calculate_group_velocity_nm_ps(idler_wl_nm, axis)*1e3 # m/s vg_p = self.calculate_group_velocity_nm_ps(pump_wl_nm, axis)*1e3 # m/s try: vg_p = np.ones((len(vg_s),)) * vg_p except TypeError: pass deltaOmega_deltaL = np.minimum(np.abs( 0.886 * np.pi / (1.0/vg_s - 1.0/vg_p) ), np.abs( 0.886 * np.pi / (1.0/vg_i - 1.0/vg_p) ) ) deltak_deltaL = deltaOmega_deltaL * 1.0/speed_of_light return deltak_deltaL
[docs] def invert_dfg_qpm_to_signal_wl(self, pump_wl_nm, poling_period_mks, max_signal_wl_nm = 2000 ): r"""Calculate the signal wavelength phasematched in QPM by the given poing period for the specified pump wavelength. Parameters ---------- pump_wl_nm : float Wavelength of pump field, bandwidth assumed to be 0 [nm] poling_period_mks : float Period length of the QPM grating Returns ------- Signal wavelength [nm] : float """ def err_fn(wl_s): return (self.calculate_poling_period(pump_wl_nm, wl_s, None, silent = True)[0] - poling_period_mks )**2 res = optimize.minimize_scalar(err_fn, bounds = [pump_wl_nm*1.001, max_signal_wl_nm], method = 'bounded') return res.x
[docs] def set_caching(self, cache_enable = True): r""" Enable or disable caching of refractive indices. Enabling this uses more memory, but can save costly recomputations Parameters ---------- cache_enable : bool """ assert(cache_enable == True or cache_enable == False) self._enable_caching = cache_enable
def _get_length_mks(self): return self._length def _get_length_nm(self): return self._length * 1.0e9 length_mks = property(_get_length_mks) length_nm = property(_get_length_nm) def _damage_threshold_mks(self): return self._crystal_properties['damage_threshold_GW_per_sqcm'] * 1.0e13 damage_threshold_mks = property(_damage_threshold_mks)