Source code for pynlo.light.PulseBase

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#Created on Thu Jun 04 13:48:11 2015
#This file is part of pyNLO.
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#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
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from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy import constants, signal 
from pynlo.util import FFT_t, IFFT_t
import warnings
import scipy.ndimage.interpolation

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for testing. remove!

[docs]class Pulse: """Class which carried all information about the light field. This class is a base upon which various cases are built (eg analytic pulses, CW fields, or pulses generated from experimental data.) """ def __init__(self, frep_MHz = None, n = None): if frep_MHz is not None: self._frep_MHz = frep_MHz if frep_MHz > 1.0e6: warnings.warn("frep should be specified in MHz; large value given.") if n is not None: self.set_NPTS(n) # Constants, moved here so that module runs through Sphynx autodoc when # scipy is Mocked out. self._c_nmps = constants.value('speed of light in vacuum')*1e9/1e12 # c in nm/ps self._c_mks = constants.value('speed of light in vacuum') # m/s # Private variables: # This set is the minimum number required to completely specify the light # field. All other representations are derived from them. _n = 0 # Number of points on grid _centerfrequency = 1.0 # Center frequency (THz) _time_window = 1.0 # Time window (ps) _V = None # Relative angular frequency grid (2 pi THz) _AW = None # Frequency-domain pulse amplitude _frep_MHz = 100.0 # Pulse frequency (MHz); used for converting # pulse energy < - > average power _ready = False # All fields are initialized (this allows for # incomplete Pulse objects to be created and # and filled in later) _external_units = None # Constants _c_nmps = None _c_mks = None # Cached values for expensive functions that I have identified as widely-used # in a profiler. Note that this is a sparse list... # Wavelength _cache_wl_nm_hash = None _cache_wl_nm = None # Frequency in THz _cache_W_Hz_hash = None _cache_W_Hz = None _not_ready_msg = 'Pulse class is not yet ready -- set center wavelength, time window, and npts.'
[docs] def load_consts(self): r""" Load constants, needed after unpickling in some cases """ self._c_nmps = constants.value('speed of light in vacuum')*1e9/1e12 # c in nm/ps self._c_mks = constants.value('speed of light in vacuum') # m/s
####### Private properties ############################################# def __get_w0(self): r""" Return center angular frequency (THz) """ if self._centerfrequency is None: raise ValueError('Center frequency is not set.') return 2.0 * np.pi * self._centerfrequency def __get_W(self): r""" Return angular frequency grid (THz) """ if not self._ready: raise RuntimeError(self._not_ready_msg) else: return self._V + self._w0 def __get_T(self): r""" Return temporal grid (ps) """ if not self._ready: raise RuntimeError(self._not_ready_msg) else: TGRID = np.linspace(-self._time_window / 2.0, self._time_window / 2.0, self._n, endpoint = False) # time grid return TGRID def __get_dT(self): r""" Return time grid spacing (ps) """ if not self._ready: raise RuntimeError(self._not_ready_msg) else: return self._time_window / np.double(self._n) def __get_V(self): r""" Return relative angular frequency grid (THz) """ if not self._ready: raise RuntimeError(self._not_ready_msg) else: VGRID = 2.0*np.pi*np.transpose(np.arange(-self._n/2, self._n/2))/(self._n*self._dT) # Frequency grid (angular THz) return VGRID _w0 = property(__get_w0) _W = property(__get_W) _dT = property(__get_dT) _T = property(__get_T) _dT = property(__get_dT) _V = property(__get_V) ####### Public properties ############################################# # The following are properties. They should be used by other codes to # provide some isolation from the Pulse class's internal mechanics. # Wavelength is dynamically derived from frequency grid def _get_wavelength_nm(self): if (self.cache_hash == self._cache_wl_nm_hash): return self._cache_wl_nm else: self._cache_wl_nm_hash = self.cache_hash self._cache_wl_nm = 2*np.pi*self._c_nmps / self.W_THz return self._cache_wl_nm # Wavelength is dynamically derived from frequency grid def _get_wavelength_m(self): return 2*np.pi*self._c_mks / self.W_mks def _get_center_wavelength_nm(self): return self._c_nmps / self._centerfrequency def _get_center_wavelength_mks(self): return (self._c_nmps / self._centerfrequency )*1.0e9 def _get_center_frequency_THz(self): return self._centerfrequency def _get_center_frequency_mks(self): return self._centerfrequency * 1.0e12 def _get_NPTS(self): return self._n def _get_hash(self): return str(self._centerfrequency)+str(self.NPTS) def _get_W_Hz(self): if (self._cache_W_Hz_hash == self.cache_hash): return self._cache_W_Hz else: self._cache_W_Hz_hash = self.cache_hash self._cache_W_Hz = self._W * 1e12 return self._cache_W_Hz def _get_F_Hz(self): return self._get_W_Hz() / (2.0*np.pi) def _get_W_THz(self): return self._W def _get_F_THz(self): return self._W / (2.0*np.pi) def _get_dT_seconds(self): return self._dT * 1e-12 def _get_dT_picoseconds(self): return self._dT def _get_T_seconds(self): return self._T* 1e-12 def _get_T_picoseconds(self): return self._T def _get_time_window_seconds(self): return self._time_window* 1e-12 def _get_time_window_picoseconds(self): return self._time_window def _get_V_Hz(self): return self._V* 1e12 def _get_V_THz(self): return self._V def _get_dF_THz(self): return abs(self.W_THz[1]-self.W_THz[0])/(2.0*np.pi) def _get_dF_Hz(self): return abs(self.W_mks[1]-self.W_mks[0])/(2.0*np.pi) def _get_frep_MHz(self): return self._frep_MHz def _get_frep_Hz(self): if self._frep_MHz is None: return None else: return self._frep_MHz * 1.0e6 def _get_AW(self): if self._AW is not None: return self._AW.copy() else: raise RuntimeError('Grids not yet set up.') def _get_AT(self): if self._AW is not None: return IFFT_t( self._AW.copy() ) else: raise RuntimeError('Grids not yet set up.')
[docs] def set_AW(self, AW_new): r""" Set the value of the frequency-domain electric field. Parameters ---------- AW_new : array_like New electric field values. """ if not self._ready: raise RuntimeError(self._not_ready_msg) if self._AW is None: self._AW = np.zeros((self._n,), dtype = np.complex128) self._AW[:] = AW_new
[docs] def set_AT(self, AT_new): r""" Set the value of the time-domain electric field. Parameters ---------- AW_new : array_like New electric field values. """ self.set_AW( FFT_t(AT_new ))
# To keep this class' working isolated from accessors, all data reading and # writing is done via methods. These are: wl_nm = property(_get_wavelength_nm) """ Property: Wavelength grid Returns ------- wl_nm : ndarray, shape NPTS Wavelength grid corresponding to AW [nm] """ W_THz = property(_get_W_THz) """ Property: angular frequency grid Returns ------- W_THz : ndarray, shape NPTS Angular frequency grid corresponding to AW [THz] """ F_THz = property(_get_F_THz) """ Property: frequency grid Returns ------- F_THz : ndarray, shape NPTS Frequency grid corresponding to AW [THz] """ dT_ps = property(_get_dT_picoseconds) """ Property: time grid spacing Returns ------- dT_ps : float Time grid spacing [ps] """ T_ps = property(_get_T_picoseconds) """ Property: time grid Returns ------- T_ps : ndarray, shape NPTS Time grid corresponding to AT [ps] """ V_THz = property(_get_V_THz) """ Property: relative angular frequency grid Returns ------- V_THz : ndarray, shape NPTS Relative angular frequency grid corresponding to AW [THz] """ time_window_ps = property(_get_time_window_picoseconds) """ Property: time grid span Returns ------- time_window_ps : float Time grid span [ps] """ center_wavelength_nm = property(_get_center_wavelength_nm) """ Property: center wavelength Returns ------- center_wavelength_nm : float Wavelength of center point in AW grid [nm] """ center_frequency_THz = property(_get_center_frequency_THz) """ Property: center frequency Returns ------- center_frequency_THz : float Frequency of center point in AW grid [THz] """ wl_mks = property(_get_wavelength_m) """ Property: Wavelength grid Returns ------- wl_mks : ndarray, shape NPTS Wavelength grid corresponding to AW [m] """ W_mks = property(_get_W_Hz) """ Property: angular frequency grid Returns ------- W_mks : ndarray, shape NPTS Angular frequency grid corresponding to AW [Hz] """ F_mks = property(_get_F_Hz) """ Property: frequency grid Returns ------- F_mks : ndarray, shape NPTS Frequency grid corresponding to AW [Hz] """ dT_mks = property(_get_dT_seconds) """ Property: time grid spacing Returns ------- dT_mks : float Time grid spacing [s] """ T_mks = property(_get_T_seconds) """ Property: time grid Returns ------- T_mks : ndarray, shape NPTS Time grid corresponding to AT [s] """ V_mks = property(_get_V_Hz) """ Property: relative angular frequency grid Returns ------- V_mks : ndarray, shape NPTS Relative angular frequency grid corresponding to AW [Hz] """ dF_mks = property(_get_dF_Hz) """ Property: frequency grid spacing Returns ------- dF_mks : float Frequency grid spacing [s] """ dF_THz = property(_get_dF_THz) """ Property: frequency grid spacing Returns ------- dF_ps : float Frequency grid spacing [ps] """ time_window_mks = property(_get_time_window_seconds) """ Property: time grid span Returns ------- time_window_mks : float Time grid span [ps] """ center_wavelength_mks = property(_get_center_wavelength_mks) """ Property: center wavelength Returns ------- center_wavelength_mks : float Wavelength of center point in AW grid [m] """ center_frequency_mks = property(_get_center_frequency_mks) """ Property: center frequency Returns ------- center_frequency_mks : float Frequency of center point in AW grid [Hz] """ AW = property(_get_AW) """ Property: frequency-domain electric field grid Returns ------- AW : ndarray, shape NPTS Complex electric field in frequency domain. """ AT = property(_get_AT) """ Property: time-domain electric field grid Returns ------- AT : ndarray, shape NPTS Complex electric field in time domain. """ NPTS = property(_get_NPTS) frep_MHz = property(_get_frep_MHz) """ Property: Repetition rate. Used for calculating average beam power. Returns ------- frep_MHz : float Pulse repetition frequency [MHz] """ frep_mks = property(_get_frep_Hz) """ Property: Repetition rate. Used for calculating average beam power. Returns ------- frep_mks : float Pulse repetition frequency [Hz] """ cache_hash = property(_get_hash) def _set_centerfrequency(self, f_THz): self._centerfrequency = f_THz self._check_ready() def _set_time_window(self, T_ps): self._time_window = T_ps self._check_ready() def _check_ready(self): self._ready = (self._centerfrequency is not None) and\ (self._n is not None) and\ (self._time_window is not None) def _ext_units_nmps(self): if self._external_units is None: RuntimeError('Unit type has not been set.') return self._external_units == 'nmps' def _ext_units_mks(self): if self._external_units is None: RuntimeError('Unit type has not been set.') return self._external_units == 'mks' ####### Core public functions ########################################
[docs] def set_center_wavelength_nm(self, wl): r""" Set the center wavelength of the grid in units of nanometers. Parameters ---------- wl : float New center wavelength [nm] """ self._set_centerfrequency(self._c_nmps / wl)
[docs] def set_center_wavelength_m(self, wl): r""" Set the center wavelength of the grid in units of meters. Parameters ---------- wl : float New center wavelength [m] """ self._set_centerfrequency(self._c_nmps / (wl * 1.0e9) )
[docs] def set_NPTS(self, NPTS): r""" Set the grid size. The actual grid arrays are *not* altered automatically to reflect a change. Parameters ---------- NPTS : int Number of points in grid """ self._n = int(NPTS) self._check_ready()
[docs] def set_frep_MHz(self, fr_MHz): r""" Set the pulse repetition frequency. This parameter used internally to convert between pulse energy and average power. Parameters ---------- fr_MHz : float New repetition frequency [MHz] """ self._frep_MHz = fr_MHz
[docs] def set_time_window_ps(self, T): r""" Set the total time window of the grid. This sets the grid dT, and implicitly changes the frequency span (~1/dT). Parameters ---------- T : float New grid time span [ps] """ if self._n is None: raise RuntimeError('Set number of points before setting time window.') # frequency grid is 2 pi/ dT * [-1/2, 1/2] # dT is simply time_window / NPTS self._set_time_window(T)
[docs] def set_time_window_s(self, T): r""" Set the total time window of the grid. This sets the grid dT, and implicitly changes the frequency span (~1/dT). Parameters ---------- T : float New grid time span [s] """ if self._n is None: raise RuntimeError('Set number of points before setting time window.') self._set_time_window(T * 1e12)
[docs] def set_frequency_window_THz(self, DF): r""" Set the total frequency window of the grid. This sets the grid dF, and implicitly changes the temporal span (~1/dF). Parameters ---------- DF : float New grid time span [THz] """ if self._n is None: raise RuntimeError('Set number of points before setting frequency window.') # Internally, the time window is used to determine the grids. Calculate # the time window size as 1 / dF = 1 / (DF / N) T = self._n / float(DF) self._set_time_window(T)
[docs] def set_frequency_window_mks(self, DF): r""" Set the total frequency window of the grid. This sets the grid dF, and implicitly changes the temporal span (~1/dF). Parameters ---------- DF : float New grid time span [Hz] """ if self._n is None: raise RuntimeError('Set number of points before setting frequency window.') # Internally, the time window is used to determine the grids. Calculate # the time window size as 1 / dF = 1 / (DF / N) T = self._n / float(DF) self._set_time_window(T * 1e12)
####### Auxiliary public functions ###################################
[docs] def calc_epp(self): r""" Calculate and return energy per pulse via numerical integration of :math:`A^2 dt` Returns ------- x : float Pulse energy [J] """ return self.dT_mks * np.trapz(abs(self.AT)**2)
[docs] def set_epp(self, desired_epp_J): r""" Set the energy per pulse (in Joules) Parameters ---------- desired_epp_J : float the value to set the pulse energy [J] Returns ------- nothing """ self.set_AT(self.AT * np.sqrt( desired_epp_J / self.calc_epp() ) )
[docs] def add_noise(self, noise_type='sqrt_N_freq'): r""" Adds random intensity and phase noise to a pulse. Parameters ---------- noise_type : string The method used to add noise. The options are: ``sqrt_N_freq`` : which adds noise to each bin in the frequency domain, where the sigma is proportional to sqrt(N), and where N is the number of photons in each frequency bin. ``one_photon_freq``` : which adds one photon of noise to each frequency bin, regardless of the previous value of the electric field in that bin. Returns ------- nothing """ # This is all to get the number of photons/second in each frequency bin: size_of_bins = self.dF_mks # Bin width in [Hz] power_per_bin = np.abs(self.AW)**2 / size_of_bins # [J*Hz] / [Hz] = [J] h = constants.Planck # use scipy's constants package #photon_energy = h * self.W_THz/(2*np.pi) * 1e12 photon_energy = h * self.F_mks # h nu [J] photons_per_bin = power_per_bin/photon_energy # photons / second photons_per_bin[photons_per_bin<0] = 0 # must be positive. # now generate some random intensity and phase arrays: size = np.shape(self.AW)[0] random_intensity = np.random.normal( size=size) random_phase = np.random.uniform(size=size) * 2 * np.pi if noise_type == 'sqrt_N_freq': # this adds Gausian noise with a sigma=sqrt(photons_per_bin) # [J] # [Hz] noise = random_intensity * np.sqrt(photons_per_bin) * photon_energy * size_of_bins * np.exp(1j*random_phase) elif noise_type == 'one_photon_freq': # this one photon per bin in the frequecy domain noise = random_intensity * photon_energy * size_of_bins * np.exp(1j*random_phase) else: raise ValueError('noise_type not recognized.') self.set_AW(self.AW + noise)
[docs] def chirp_pulse_W(self, GDD, TOD=0, FOD = 0.0, w0_THz = None): r""" Alter the phase of the pulse Apply the dispersion coefficients :math:`\beta_2, \beta_3, \beta_4` expanded around frequency :math:`\omega_0`. Parameters ---------- GDD : float Group delay dispersion (:math:`\beta_2`) [ps^2] TOD : float, optional Group delay dispersion (:math:`\beta_3`) [ps^3], defaults to 0. FOD : float, optional Group delay dispersion (:math:`\beta_4`) [ps^4], defaults to 0. w0_THz : float, optional Center frequency of dispersion expansion, defaults to grid center frequency. Notes ----- The convention used for dispersion is .. math:: E_{new} (\omega) = \exp\left(i \left( \frac{1}{2} GDD\, \omega^2 + \frac{1}{6}\, TOD \omega^3 + \frac{1}{24} FOD\, \omega^4 \right)\right) E(\omega) """ if w0_THz is None: self.set_AW( np.exp(1j * (GDD / 2.0) * self.V_THz**2 + 1j * (TOD / 6.0) * self.V_THz**3+ 1j * (FOD / 24.0) * self.V_THz**4) * self.AW ) else: V = self.W_THz - w0_THz self.set_AW( np.exp(1j * (GDD / 2.0) * V**2 + 1j * (TOD / 6.0) * V**3+ 1j * (FOD / 24.0) * V**4) * self.AW )
def apply_phase_W(self, phase): self.set_AW(self.AW * np.exp(1j*phase)) def chirp_pulse_T(self, chirp2, chirp3, T0): self.set_AT( self.AT * np.exp(-1j * (chirp2 / 2.0) * (self.T_ps/T0)**2 + -1j * (chirp3 / 3.0) * (self.T_ps/T0)**3) ) def dechirp_pulse(self, GDD_TOD_ratio = 0.0, intensity_threshold = 0.05): spect_w = self.AW phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(spect_w)) ampl = np.abs(spect_w) mask = ampl**2 > intensity_threshold * np.max(ampl)**2 gdd = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(self.W_THz[mask], phase[mask], 2)) self.set_AW( ampl * np.exp(1j*(phase-gdd(self.W_THz))) ) def remove_time_delay(self, intensity_threshold = 0.05): spect_w = self.AW phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(spect_w)) ampl = np.abs(spect_w) mask = ampl**2 > (intensity_threshold * np.max(ampl)**2) ld = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(self.W_THz[mask], phase[mask], 1)) self.set_AW( ampl * np.exp(1j*(phase-ld(self.W_THz))) )
[docs] def add_time_offset(self, offset_ps): """Shift field in time domain by offset_ps picoseconds. A positive offset moves the pulse forward in time. """ phase_ramp = np.exp(-1j*self.W_THz*offset_ps) self.set_AW(self.AW * phase_ramp)
[docs] def expand_time_window(self, factor_log2, new_pts_loc = "before"): r""" Expand the time window by zero padding. Parameters ---------- factor_log2 : integer Factor by which to expand the time window (1 = 2x, 2 = 4x, etc.) new_pts_loc : string Where to put the new points. Valid options are "before", "even", "after """ num_new_pts = self.NPTS*(2**factor_log2 - 1) AT_current = self.AT self.set_NPTS(self.NPTS * 2**factor_log2) self.set_time_window_ps(self.time_window_ps * 2**factor_log2) self._AW = None # Force generation of new array if new_pts_loc == "before": self.set_AT(np.hstack( (np.zeros(num_new_pts,), AT_current) )) elif new_pts_loc == "after": self.set_AT(np.hstack( (AT_current, np.zeros(num_new_pts,)) )) elif new_pts_loc == "even": pts_before = int(np.floor(num_new_pts * 0.5)) pts_after = num_new_pts - pts_before self.set_AT(np.hstack( (np.zeros(pts_before,), AT_current, np.zeros(pts_after,)) )) else: raise ValueError("new_pts_loc must be one of 'before', 'after', 'even'")
[docs] def rotate_spectrum_to_new_center_wl(self, new_center_wl_nm): """Change center wavelength of pulse by rotating the electric field in the frequency domain. Designed for creating multiple pulses with same gridding but of different colors. Rotations is by integer and to the closest omega.""" new_center_THz = self._c_nmps/new_center_wl_nm rotation = (self.center_frequency_THz-new_center_THz)/self.dF_THz self.set_AW(np.roll(self.AW, -1*int(round(rotation))))
[docs] def interpolate_to_new_center_wl(self, new_wavelength_nm): r""" Change grids by interpolating the electric field onto a new frequency grid, defined by the new center wavelength and the current pulse parameters. This is useful when grid overlaps must be avoided, for example in difference or sum frequency generation. Parameters ---------- new_wavelength_nm : float New center wavelength [nm] Returns ------- Pulse instance """ working_pulse = self.create_cloned_pulse() working_pulse.set_center_wavelength_nm(new_wavelength_nm) interpolator = interp1d(self.W_mks, self. AW, bounds_error = False, fill_value = 0.0) working_pulse.set_AW(interpolator(working_pulse.W_mks)) return working_pulse
def filter_by_wavelength_nm(self, lower_wl_nm, upper_wl_nm): AW_new = self.AW AW_new[self.wl_nm < lower_wl_nm] = 0.0 AW_new[self.wl_nm > upper_wl_nm] = 0.0 self.set_AW(AW_new)
[docs] def clone_pulse(self, p): '''Copy all parameters of pulse_instance into this one''' self.set_NPTS(p.NPTS) self.set_time_window_ps(p.time_window_ps) self.set_center_wavelength_nm(p.center_wavelength_nm) self._frep_MHz = p.frep_MHz self.set_AT(p.AT)
def get_pulse_dict(self): d = {"NPTS" : self.NPTS, "time_window_ps" : self.time_window_ps, "center_wavelength_nm" : self.center_wavelength_nm, "frep_MHz" : self.frep_MHz, "AT_re" : self.AT.real.tolist(), "AT_im" : self.AT.imag.tolist()} return d def load_pulse_dict(self, d): self.set_NPTS(d["NPTS"]) self.set_time_window_ps(d["time_window_ps"]) self.set_center_wavelength_nm(d["center_wavelength_nm"]) self._frep_MHz = d["frep_MHz"] self.set_AT(np.array(d["AT_re"]) + 1j*np.array(d["AT_im"]) )
[docs] def create_cloned_pulse(self): '''Create and return new pulse instance identical to this instance.''' p = Pulse() p.clone_pulse(self) return p
[docs] def create_subset_pulse(self, center_wl_nm, NPTS): """ Create new pulse with smaller frequency span, centered at closest grid point to center_wl_nm, with NPTS grid points and frequency-grid values from this pulse. """ if NPTS >= self.NPTS: raise ValueError("New pulse must have fewer points than existing one.") p = Pulse() center_idx = np.argmin(abs(self.wl_nm - center_wl_nm)) # We want to reduce the frequency span, which means holding df fixed # while reducing NPTS. The time window is 1/df, so this means holding # the time window fixed as well. p._frep_MHz = self.frep_MHz p.set_center_wavelength_nm(self.wl_nm[center_idx] ) p.set_time_window_ps(self.time_window_ps) p.set_NPTS(NPTS) idx1 = center_idx - (NPTS >> 1) idx2 = center_idx + (NPTS >> 1) p.set_AW(self.AW[idx1:idx2]) return p
def calculate_weighted_avg_frequency_mks(self): avg = np.sum(abs(self.AW)**2 * self.W_mks) weights = np.sum(abs(self.AW)**2) result = avg / (weights * 2.0 * np.pi) return result def calculate_weighted_avg_wavelength_nm(self): return 1.0e9 * self._c_mks / self.calculate_weighted_avg_frequency_mks()
[docs] def calculate_intensity_autocorrelation(self): r""" Calculates and returns the intensity autocorrelation, :math:`\int P(t)P(t+\tau) dt` Returns ------- x : ndarray, shape N_pts Intensity autocorrelation. The grid is the same as the pulse class' time grid. """ return np.correlate(abs(self.AT)**2, abs(self.AT), mode='same')
[docs] def write_frog(self, fileloc = 'broadened_er_pulse.dat', # default EDFA spectrum flip_phase = True): """Save pulse in FROG data format. Grid is centered at wavelength center_wavelength (nm), but pulse properties are loaded from data file. If flip_phase is true, all phase is multiplied by -1 [useful for correcting direction of time ambiguity]. time_window (ps) sets temporal grid size. power sets the pulse energy: if power_is_epp is True then the number is pulse energy [J] if power_is_epp is False then the power is average power [W], and is multiplied by frep to calculate pulse energy""" self.fileloc = fileloc phase_data = np.unwrap(np.angle(self.get_AW())) inten_data = np.abs(self.get_AW()) wavel_data = self.internal_wl_to_nm(self.wl_nm) # Write pulse data file np.savetxt(self.fileloc, np.vstack((wavel_data, inten_data, phase_data)).T)
[docs] def spectrogram(self, gate_type='xfrog', gate_function_width_ps=0.020, time_steps=500): """This calculates a spectrogram, essentially the spectrally-resolved cross-correlation of the pulse. Generally, the gate_type should set to 'xfrog', which performs a cross-correlation similar to the XFROG experiment, where the pulse is probed by a short, reference pulse. The temporal width of this pulse is set by the "gate_function_width_ps" parameter. See Dudley Fig. 10, on p1153 for a description of the spectrogram in the context of supercontinuum generaiton. ( Alternatively, the gate_type can be set to 'frog', which simulates a SHG-FROG measurement, where the pulse is probed with a copy of itself, in an autocorrelation fashion. Interpreting this FROG spectrogram is less intuitive, so this is mainly useful for comparison with experimentally recorded FROG spectra (which are often easier to acquire than XFROG measurements.) A nice discussion of various FROG "species" is available here: Parameters ---------- gate_type : string Determines the type of gate function. Can be either 'xfrog' or 'frog'. Should likely be set to 'xfrog' unless comparing with experiments. See discussion above. Default is 'xfrog'. gate_function_width : float the width of the gate function in seconds. Only applies when gate_type='xfrog'. A shorter duration provides better temporal resolution, but worse spectral resolution, so this is a trade-off. Typically, 0.01 to 0.1 ps works well. time_steps : int the number of delay time steps to use. More steps makes a higher resolution spectrogram, but takes longer to process and plot. Default is 500 Returns ------- DELAYS : 2D numpy meshgrid the columns have increasing delay (in ps) FREQS : 2D numpy meshgrid the rows have increasing frequency (in THz) spectrogram : 2D numpy array Following the convention of Dudley, the frequency runs along the y-axis (axis 0) and the time runs alon the x-axis (axis 1) Example ------- The spectrogram can be visualized using something like this: :: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() DELAYS, FREQS, extent, spectrogram = pulse.spectrogram() plt.imshow(spectrogram, aspect='auto', extent=extent) plt.xlabel('Time (ps)') plt.ylabel('Frequency (THz)') plt.tight_layout output: .. image:: :width: 500px :alt: example_result """ def gauss(x, A=1, mu=0, sigma=1): # gaussian function return A*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2.*sigma**2)) t = self.T_ps # working in ps delay = np.linspace(np.min(t), np.max(t), time_steps) D, T = np.meshgrid(delay, t) D, AT = np.meshgrid(delay, self.AT) phase = np.unwrap(np.angle(AT)) amp = np.abs(AT) if gate_type == 'xfrog': gate_function = gauss(T, mu=D, sigma=gate_function_width_ps) elif gate_type=='frog': dstep = float(delay[1]-delay[0]) tstep = float( t[1]- t[0]) # calculate the coordinates of the new array dcoord = D*0 tcoord = (T-D-np.min(T))/tstep # gate_function = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates(amp, (tcoord, dcoord)) gate_function_real = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates(np.real(AT), (tcoord, dcoord)) gate_function_imag = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates(np.imag(AT), (tcoord, dcoord)) gate_function = gate_function_real + 1j*gate_function_imag else: raise ValueError('Type \""%s\"" not recognized. Type must be \"xfrog\" or \"frog\".'%gate_type) # make a 2D array of E(time, delay) E = amp * gate_function * np.exp(1j*(2 * np.pi * T * self.center_frequency_THz + phase) ) spectrogram = np.fft.fft(E, axis=0) freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(np.shape(E)[0], t[1]-t[0]) DELAYS, FREQS = np.meshgrid(delay, freqs) # just take positive frequencies: h = np.shape(spectrogram)[0] spectrogram = spectrogram[:h//2] DELAYS = DELAYS[:h//2] FREQS = FREQS[:h//2] # calculate the extent to make it easy to plot: extent = (np.min(DELAYS), np.max(DELAYS), np.min(FREQS), np.max(FREQS)) return DELAYS, FREQS, extent, np.abs(spectrogram)