Source code for pynlo.light.DerivedPulses

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jun 04 13:48:11 2015
This file is part of pyNLO.

    pyNLO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    pyNLO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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@author: ycasg
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from pynlo.util import IFFT_t
from pynlo.light.PulseBase import Pulse

[docs]class SechPulse(Pulse):
[docs] def __init__(self, power, T0_ps, center_wavelength_nm, time_window_ps = 10., frep_MHz = 100., NPTS = 2**10, GDD = 0, TOD = 0, chirp2 = 0, chirp3 = 0, power_is_avg = False): """Generate a squared-hyperbolic secant "sech" pulse A(t) = sqrt(P0 [W]) * sech(t/T0 [ps]) centered at wavelength center_wavelength_nm (nm). time_window (ps) sets temporal grid size. Optional GDD and TOD are in ps^2 and ps^3. Note: The full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) is given by T0_ps * 1.76 """ Pulse.__init__(self, frep_MHz = frep_MHz, n = NPTS) # make sure we weren't passed mks units assert (center_wavelength_nm > 1.0) assert (time_window_ps > 1.0 ) self.set_center_wavelength_nm(center_wavelength_nm) self.set_time_window_ps(time_window_ps) ### Generate pulse if not power_is_avg: # from self.set_AT( np.sqrt(power)/np.cosh(self.T_ps/T0_ps) ) else: self.set_AT( 1 / np.cosh(self.T_ps/T0_ps) ) self.set_AT(self.AT * np.sqrt( power / ( frep_MHz*1.0e6 * self.calc_epp()) )) self.chirp_pulse_W(GDD, TOD) self.chirp_pulse_T(chirp2, chirp3, T0_ps)
[docs]class GaussianPulse(Pulse):
[docs] def __init__(self, power, T0_ps, center_wavelength_nm, time_window_ps = 10., frep_MHz = 100., NPTS = 2**10, GDD = 0, TOD = 0, chirp2 = 0, chirp3 = 0, power_is_avg = False): """Generate Gaussian pulse A(t) = sqrt(peak_power[W]) * exp( -(t/T0 [ps])^2 / 2 ) centered at wavelength center_wavelength_nm (nm). time_window (ps) sets temporal grid size. Optional GDD and TOD are in ps^2 and ps^3. Note: For this definition of a Gaussian pulse, T0_ps is the full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of the pulse. """ Pulse.__init__(self, frep_MHz = frep_MHz, n = NPTS) # make sure we weren't passed mks units assert (center_wavelength_nm > 1.0) assert (time_window_ps > 1.0 ) self.set_center_wavelength_nm(center_wavelength_nm) self.set_time_window_ps(time_window_ps) GDD = GDD TOD = TOD # from self.set_AT( np.sqrt(power) * np.exp(-2.77*0.5*self.T_ps**2/(T0_ps**2)) ) # input field (W^0.5) if power_is_avg: self.set_AT(self.AT * np.sqrt( power / ( frep_MHz*1.0e6 * self.calc_epp()) )) self.chirp_pulse_W(GDD, TOD) self.chirp_pulse_T(chirp2, chirp3, T0_ps)
class SincPulse(Pulse): def __init__(self, power, FWHM_ps, center_wavelength_nm, time_window_ps = 10., frep_MHz = 100., NPTS = 2**10, GDD = 0, TOD = 0, chirp2 = 0, chirp3 = 0, power_is_avg = False): """Generate sinc pulse A(t) = sqrt(peak_power[W]) * sin(t/T0)/(t/T0) centered at wavelength center_wavelength_nm (nm). The width is given by FWHM_ps, which is the full-width-at-half-maximum in picoseconds. T0 is equal th FWHM/3.7909885. time_window_ps sets temporal grid size. Optional GDD and TOD are in ps^2 and ps^3.""" Pulse.__init__(self, frep_MHz = frep_MHz, n = NPTS) # make sure we weren't passed mks units assert (center_wavelength_nm > 1.0) assert (time_window_ps > 1.0 ) self.set_center_wavelength_nm(center_wavelength_nm) self.set_time_window_ps(time_window_ps) T0_ps = FWHM_ps/3.7909885 ### Generate pulse if not power_is_avg: # numpy.sinc is sin(pi*x)/(pi*x), so we divide by pi self.set_AT( np.sqrt(power) * np.sinc(self.T_ps/(T0_ps*np.pi)) ) else: self.set_AT( 1 / np.sinc(np.pi * self.T_ps/(T0_ps*np.pi)) ) self.set_AT(self.AT * np.sqrt( power / ( frep_MHz*1.0e6 * self.calc_epp()) )) self.chirp_pulse_W(GDD, TOD) self.chirp_pulse_T(chirp2, chirp3, T0_ps)
[docs]class FROGPulse(Pulse):
[docs] def __init__(self, time_window_ps, center_wavelength_nm, power,frep_MHz = 100., NPTS = 2**10, power_is_avg = False, fileloc = '', flip_phase = True): """Generate pulse from FROG data. Grid is centered at wavelength center_wavelength_nm (nm), but pulse properties are loaded from data file. If flip_phase is true, all phase is multiplied by -1 [useful for correcting direction of time ambiguity]. time_window (ps) sets temporal grid size. power sets the pulse energy: if power_is_epp is True then the number is pulse energy [J] if power_is_epp is False then the power is average power [W], and is multiplied by frep to calculate pulse energy""" Pulse.__init__(self, frep_MHz = frep_MHz, n = NPTS) try: self.fileloc = fileloc # make sure we weren't passed mks units assert (center_wavelength_nm > 1.0) assert (time_window_ps > 1.0 ) self.set_time_window_ps(time_window_ps) self.set_center_wavelength_nm(center_wavelength_nm) # reference wavelength (nm) # power -> EPP if power_is_avg: power = power / self.frep_mks # Read in retrieved FROG trace frog_data = np.genfromtxt(self.fileloc) wavelengths = frog_data[:,0]# (nm) intensity = frog_data[:,1]# (arb. units) phase = frog_data[:,2]# (radians) if flip_phase: phase = -1 * phase pulse_envelope = interp1d(wavelengths, intensity, kind='linear', bounds_error=False,fill_value=0) phase_envelope = interp1d(wavelengths, phase, kind='linear', bounds_error=False,fill_value=0) gridded_intensity = pulse_envelope(self.wl_nm) gridded_phase = phase_envelope(self.wl_nm) # Calculate time domain complex electric field A self.set_AW(gridded_intensity*np.exp(1j*gridded_phase)) # Calculate normalization factor to achieve requested # pulse energy e_scale = np.sqrt(power / self.calc_epp() ) self.set_AT(self.AT * e_scale ) except IOError: print ('File not found.' )
[docs]class NoisePulse(Pulse): def __init__(self, center_wavelength_nm, time_window_ps = 10., NPTS = 2**8, frep_MHz = None): Pulse.__init__(self, n = NPTS, frep_MHz = frep_MHz) self.set_center_wavelength_nm(center_wavelength_nm) self.set_time_window_ps(time_window_ps) self.set_AW( 1e-30 * np.ones(self.NPTS) * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * 1j * np.random.rand(self.NPTS)))
[docs]class CWPulse(Pulse): def __init__(self, avg_power, center_wavelength_nm, time_window_ps = 10.0, NPTS = 2**8,offset_from_center_THz = None): Pulse.__init__(self, n = NPTS) # make sure we weren't passed mks units assert (center_wavelength_nm > 1.0) assert (time_window_ps > 1.0 ) if offset_from_center_THz is None: self.set_center_wavelength_nm(center_wavelength_nm) self.set_time_window_ps(time_window_ps) # Set the time domain to be CW, which should give us a delta function in # frequency. Then normalize that delta function (in frequency space) to # the average power. Note that frep does not factor in here. self.set_AT(np.ones(self.NPTS,)) self.set_AW(self.AW * np.sqrt(avg_power) / sum(abs(self.AW)) ) else: dF = 1.0/time_window_ps n_offset = np.round( offset_from_center_THz/dF) center_THz = self._c_nmps/center_wavelength_nm -\ n_offset * dF center_nm = self._c_nmps / center_THz self.set_time_window_ps(time_window_ps) self.set_center_wavelength_nm(center_nm) aws = np.zeros((self.NPTS, )) aws[int(self.NPTS/2.0) + int(n_offset) ] = 1.0 *np.sqrt(avg_power) self.set_AW(aws)
[docs] def gen_OSA(self, time_window_ps, center_wavelength_nm, power, power_is_epp = False, fileloc = 'O:\\OFM\\Maser\\Dual-Comb 100 MHz System\\Pump spectrum-Yb-101614.csv', log = True, rows = 30): # Yb spectrum """Generate pulse from OSA data. Grid is centered at wavelength center_wavelength_nm (nm), but pulse properties are loaded from data file. time_window (ps) sets temporal grid size. Switch in place for importing log vs. linear data. power sets the pulse energy: if power_is_epp is True then the number is pulse energy [J] if power_is_epp is False then the power is average power [W], and is multiplied by frep to calculate pulse energy""" try: self.fileloc = fileloc self.set_time_window_ps(time_window_ps) self.center_wl = center_wavelength_nm # reference wavelength (nm) self.w0 = (2. * np.pi * self.c) / self.center_wl # reference angular frequency self.setup_grids() if not power_is_epp: power = power / self.frep # Read in OSA data osa_data = np.genfromtxt(self.fileloc, delimiter = ',', skiprows = rows) wavelengths = osa_data[:,0]# (nm) wavelengths = self.internal_wl_from_nm(wavelengths) intensity = osa_data[:,1]# (arb. units) if log: intensity = 10.**(intensity / 10.) freq_abs = self.c/wavelengths freq_abs = np.sort(freq_abs) self.freq_rel = freq_abs - self.c / self.center_wl pulse_envelope = interp1d(self.freq_rel, intensity, kind='linear', bounds_error = False, fill_value=0) self.gridded_intensity = pulse_envelope(self.V / (2*np.pi)) # Calculate time domain complex electric field A self.A = IFFT_t(self.gridded_intensity) # Calculate normalization factor to achieve requested # pulse energy e_scale = np.sqrt(power / self.calc_epp() ) self.A = self.A * e_scale except IOError: print ('File not found.')