Source code for pynlo.interactions.ThreeWaveMixing.DFG_integrand

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Difference frequency generation module

    - The dfg_problem, a class which can be intergrated by the pyNLO ODESolve
    - The fftcomputer, which handles FFTs using pyFFTW
    - A helper class, dfg_results_interface, which provides a Pulse-class based
      wrapper around the dfg results.     

Authors: Dan Maser, Gabe Ycas

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import scipy.fftpack as fftpack
from copy import deepcopy
from scipy import constants
from pynlo.light import OneDBeam, OneDBeam_highV_WG
from pynlo.light.DerivedPulses import NoisePulse
from pynlo.light.PulseBase import Pulse
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import logging

    import pyfftw

[docs]class dfg_problem: """ This class defines the integrand for a DFG or OPO parametric inteaction. Following Eqn (8) in Seres & Hebling, "Nonstationary theory of synchronously pumped femtosecond optical parametric oscillators", JOSA B Vol 17 No 5, 2000. """ last_calc_z = -1e6 overlap_pump = None overlap_sgnl = None overlap_idlr = None pump_P_to_a = None sgnl_P_to_a = None idlr_P_to_a = None _plot_beam_overlaps = False _wg_mode = False _Aeff_squm = 0.0 _pump_center_idx = 0.0 _prev_pp_boundary = None _next_pp_boundary = None _pp_sign = 1 _pp_last = 0 def __init__(self, pump_in, sgnl_in, crystal_in, disable_SPM = False, pump_waist = 10e-6, apply_gouy_phase = False, plot_beam_overlaps = False, wg_mode = False, Aeff_squm = None): """ Initialize DFG problem. The idler field must be derived from the signal & idler, as its center frequency is exactly the difference- frequency between pump & signal. Setting the apply_gouy_phase flag to True enables the calculation of the wavelength-dependent Gouy phase shift. This is disabled by default because it is slow (if deemed important it could be sped up by inteprolation, but the effect of Gouy phase seems small so it might not be worthwhile.) """ self._wg_mode = wg_mode if self._wg_mode == False: self.waist = pump_waist self._plot_beam_overlaps = plot_beam_overlaps self._calc_gouy = apply_gouy_phase else: assert Aeff_squm is not None self._Aeff_squm = Aeff_squm self._plot_beam_overlaps = False self._calc_gouy = apply_gouy_phase # Create idler Pulse. # The idler grid must be centered to match DFG of the pump and signal # center frequencies. The center matching is implicitly used in the # mixing calculations to conserve energy idler_cwl_natural = 1.0/(1.0/pump_in.center_wavelength_nm -\ 1.0/sgnl_in.center_wavelength_nm) idlr_in = NoisePulse(center_wavelength_nm = idler_cwl_natural, frep_MHz = pump_in.frep_MHz, NPTS = pump_in.NPTS, time_window_ps = pump_in.time_window_ps) # Double check that fields do not overlap if ( max(pump_in.wl_nm) > min(sgnl_in.wl_nm) ): print ("pump_max: ", max(pump_in.wl_nm)) print ("sgnl min: ", min(sgnl_in.wl_nm)) raise ValueError("Pump and signal field grids overlap.") if ( max(sgnl_in.wl_nm) > min(idlr_in.wl_nm) ): print ("sgnl max: ", max(sgnl_in.wl_nm)) print ("idlr min: ", min(idlr_in.wl_nm)) raise ValueError("Signal and idler field grids overlap.") self.idlr_in = idlr_in self.pump = deepcopy(pump_in) self.sgnl = deepcopy(sgnl_in) self.idlr = deepcopy(idlr_in) self.crystal = deepcopy(crystal_in) if self.crystal.mode == 'PP': self.precompute_poling() self.disable_SPM = disable_SPM self.c = constants.speed_of_light self.eps = constants.epsilon_0 self.frep = sgnl_in.frep_mks self.veclength = sgnl_in.NPTS if not pump_in.NPTS == sgnl_in.NPTS == idlr_in.NPTS: raise ValueError("""Pump, signal, and idler do not have same length.""") if self._wg_mode == False: if self.crystal.mode == 'BPM': self.pump_beam = OneDBeam(self.waist, this_pulse = self.pump, axis = 'mix') self.pump_beam.set_waist_to_match_central_waist(self.pump, self.waist, self.crystal) # Pump beam sets all other beams' confocal parameters self.sgnl_beam = OneDBeam(self.waist, this_pulse = self.sgnl ,axis = 'o') self.sgnl_beam.set_waist_to_match_confocal(self.sgnl, self.pump, self.pump_beam, self.crystal) self.idlr_beam = OneDBeam(self.waist , this_pulse = self.idlr,axis = 'o') self.idlr_beam.set_waist_to_match_confocal(self.idlr, self.pump, self.pump_beam, self.crystal) else: self.pump_beam = OneDBeam(waist_meters = self.waist, this_pulse = self.pump) self.pump_beam.set_waist_to_match_central_waist(self.pump, self.waist, self.crystal) self.sgnl_beam = OneDBeam(waist_meters = self.waist, this_pulse = self.sgnl) self.sgnl_beam.set_waist_to_match_confocal(self.sgnl, self.pump, self.pump_beam, self.crystal) self.idlr_beam = OneDBeam(waist_meters = self.waist, this_pulse = self.idlr) self.idlr_beam.set_waist_to_match_confocal(self.idlr, self.pump, self.pump_beam, self.crystal) else: # Waveguide mode. Only valid for ZZZ phase matching assert self.crystal.mode != 'BPM' self.pump_beam = OneDBeam_highV_WG(Aeff_squm = self._Aeff_squm, this_pulse = self.pump) self.sgnl_beam = OneDBeam_highV_WG(Aeff_squm = self._Aeff_squm, this_pulse = self.sgnl) self.idlr_beam = OneDBeam_highV_WG(Aeff_squm = self._Aeff_squm, this_pulse = self.idlr) self.fftobject = fftcomputer(self.veclength) self.ystart = np.array(np.hstack((self.pump.AW, self.sgnl.AW, self.idlr.AW )), dtype='complex128') # Preallocated mixing terms (work spaces) self.AsAi = np.zeros((self.veclength,), dtype=np.complex128) self.ApAi = np.zeros((self.veclength,), dtype=np.complex128) self.ApAs = np.zeros((self.veclength,), dtype=np.complex128) # Preallocated phasors for adding linear dispersion (work spaces) self.phi_p = np.zeros((self.veclength,), dtype=np.complex128) self.phi_s = np.zeros((self.veclength,), dtype=np.complex128) self.phi_i = np.zeros((self.veclength,), dtype=np.complex128) # Preallocated outputs (work spaces) self.dApdZ = np.zeros((self.veclength,), dtype=np.complex128) self.dAsdZ = np.zeros((self.veclength,), dtype=np.complex128) self.dAidZ = np.zeros((self.veclength,), dtype=np.complex128) # Relative wave numbers self.k_p = self.pump_beam.get_k_in_crystal(pump_in, self.crystal) self.k_s = self.sgnl_beam.get_k_in_crystal(sgnl_in, self.crystal) self.k_i = self.idlr_beam.get_k_in_crystal(idlr_in, self.crystal) self.k_p_0 = self.k_p[int(len(self.k_p)/2.0)] self.k_s_0 = self.k_s[int(len(self.k_s)/2.0)] self.k_i_0 = self.k_i[int(len(self.k_i)/2.0)] self.k_p -= self.k_p_0 self.k_s -= self.k_s_0 self.k_i -= self.k_i_0 self.n_p = self.pump_beam.get_n_in_crystal(self.pump, self.crystal) self.n_s = self.sgnl_beam.get_n_in_crystal(self.sgnl, self.crystal) self.n_i = self.idlr_beam.get_n_in_crystal(self.idlr, self.crystal) self._pump_center_idx = np.argmax(abs(self.pump.AW)) self.approx_pulse_speed = max([max(constants.speed_of_light / self.n_p), max(constants.speed_of_light / self.n_s), max(constants.speed_of_light / self.n_i)]) if not self.disable_SPM: [self.jl_p, self.jl_s, self.jl_i] = np.zeros((3, self.veclength))
[docs] def helper_dxdy(self, x, y): delta = np.diff(y) / np.diff(x) return np.append(delta,delta[-1])
[docs] def vg(self, n, wl): return self.c / (n - wl * self.helper_dxdy(wl, n))
[docs] def gen_jl(self, y): """ Following Eqn (8) in Seres & Hebling, "Nonstationary theory of synchronously pumped femtosecond optical parametric oscillators", JOSA B Vol 17 No 5, 2000. A call to this function updates the :math: `\chi_3` mixing terms used for four-wave mixing. Parameters ---------- y : array-like, shape is 3 * NPTS Concatenated pump, signal, and idler fields """ n_p = self.n_p n_s = self.n_s n_i = self.n_i vg_p =, self.pump.w_hz) vg_s =, self.sgnl.w_hz) vg_i =, self.idlr.w_hz) gamma_p = constants.epsilon_0 * 0.5 * n_p**2 * vg_p gamma_s = constants.epsilon_0 * 0.5 * n_s**2 * vg_s gamma_i = constants.epsilon_0 * 0.5 * n_i**2 * vg_i jl = np.zeros((3, self.veclength), dtype = 'complex128') gamma = [gamma_p, gamma_s, gamma_i] waist = [self.pump_beam.waist, self.sgnl_beam.waist, self.idlr_beam.waist] i = 0 for vec1 in [self.Ap, self.As, self.Ai]: for vec2 in [self.Ap, self.As, self.Ai]: if np.all(vec1 == vec2): jl[i] = jl[i] + (1. / (2.*np.pi) * gamma[i] * self.fftobject.corr(vec2, vec2) * np.sqrt(2. / (self.c * self.eps * np.pi * waist[i]**2))) else: jl[i] = jl[i] + (1. / np.pi * gamma[i] * self.fftobject.corr(vec2, vec2) * np.sqrt(2. / (self.c * self.eps * np.pi * waist[i]**2))) i += 1 [self.jl_p, self.jl_s, self.jl_i] = jl
[docs] def poling(self, x): """ Helper function to get sign of :math: `d_\textrm{eff}` at position :math: `x` in the crystal. Uses self.crystal's pp function. For APPLN this is somewhat complicated. The input position x could be many periods away from the previous value, and in either direction. One solution would be carefully stepping back and forth, but this needs to be perfect to prevent numerical errors. Instead, precompute the domain boundaries and use a big comparison to check the poling(z) Returns ------- x : int Sign (+1 or -1) of :math: `d_\textrm{eff}`. """ if ((self.domain_lb < x) * (x < self.domain_ub)).any(): return -1 else: return 1
[docs] def precompute_poling(self): z_current = 0 domain_lb = [] domain_ub = [] while z_current < self.crystal.length_mks: domain_lb.append(z_current+self.crystal.pp(z_current) * 0.5) domain_ub.append(z_current+self.crystal.pp(z_current) * 1.0) z_current += self.crystal.pp(z_current) #print("precomputed",self.crystal.pp(z_current)," at z=",z_current) if self.crystal.pp(z_current) <= 1e-6: print("Error: poling period",self.crystal.pp(z_current)," at z=",z_current,"is too small") self.domain_lb = np.array(domain_lb) self.domain_ub = np.array(domain_ub) plt.plot(self.domain_lb) plt.plot(self.domain_ub)
[docs] def Ap(self, y): return y[0 : self.veclength]
[docs] def As(self, y): return y[self.veclength : 2 * self.veclength]
[docs] def Ai(self, y): return y[2 * self.veclength : 3 * self.veclength]
# Integrand: # State is defined by: # 1.) fields in crystal # 2.) values of k # 3.) electric field->intensity conversion (~ area) # Output is vector of estimate for d/dz field
[docs] def deriv(self, z, y, dydx): assert not np.isnan(z) if self.crystal.mode == 'PP': deff = self.poling(z) * self.crystal.deff elif self.crystal.mode == 'BPM' or self.crystal.mode == 'simple': deff = self.crystal.deff else: raise AttributeError('Crystal type not known; deff not set.') # After epic translation of Dopri853 from Numerical Recipes' C++ to # native Python/NumPy, we can use complex numbers throughout: t = z / float(self.approx_pulse_speed) self.phi_p[:] = np.exp(1j * ((self.k_p + self.k_p_0) * z - t * self.pump.W_mks)) self.phi_s[:] = np.exp(1j * ((self.k_s + self.k_s_0) * z - t * self.sgnl.W_mks)) self.phi_i[:] = np.exp(1j * ((self.k_i + self.k_i_0) * z - t * self.idlr.W_mks)) z_to_focus = z - self.crystal.length_mks/2.0 if self._calc_gouy: self.phi_p *= self.pump_beam.calculate_gouy_phase(z_to_focus, self.n_p) self.phi_s *= self.sgnl_beam.calculate_gouy_phase(z_to_focus, self.n_s) self.phi_i *= self.idlr_beam.calculate_gouy_phase(z_to_focus, self.n_i) if not self.disable_SPM: self.gen_jl(y) if self._wg_mode == False: waist_p = self.pump_beam.calculate_waist(z_to_focus, n_s = self.n_p) waist_s = self.sgnl_beam.calculate_waist(z_to_focus, n_s = self.n_s) waist_i = self.idlr_beam.calculate_waist(z_to_focus, n_s = self.n_i) R_p = self.pump_beam.calculate_R(z_to_focus, n_s = self.n_p) R_s = self.sgnl_beam.calculate_R(z_to_focus, n_s = self.n_s) R_i = self.idlr_beam.calculate_R(z_to_focus, n_s = self.n_i) # Geometric scaling factors (Not used) # P_to_a is the conversion between average power and "effective intensity" # The smallest area is used, as this is the part of the field which is # interacting. THe larger fields must be scaled with a mode-match integral # THe mode-match integral-based scale factor for Gaussian beams is # 4 * w1**2 w2**2 # --------------- # (w1**2 + w2 **2)**2 # This is the power coupling, so multiply larger 2 fields by sqrt(MMI) # # Attempting to limit interaction via mode-match integrals appears to # (1) not conserve energy and (2) INCREASES the interaction strength. # I'm not totally sure why, but it seems like the best course of action # is to match confocal parameters (which is done in __init__, above). # Overlap integrals are left intact, in case we want to plot them. if self._wg_mode == False: if (np.mean(waist_p) <= np.mean(waist_s)) and (np.mean(waist_p) <= np.mean(waist_i)): self.pump_P_to_a = self.pump_beam.rtP_to_a_2(self.pump,self.crystal,z_to_focus) self.sgnl_P_to_a = self.sgnl_beam.rtP_to_a_2(self.sgnl, self.crystal, None, waist_p) self.idlr_P_to_a = self.idlr_beam.rtP_to_a_2(self.idlr, self.crystal, None, waist_p) self.overlap_pump = 1.0 self.overlap_sgnl = np.sqrt(self.sgnl_beam.calc_overlap_integral(z_to_focus, self.sgnl, self.pump, self.pump_beam, self.crystal)) self.overlap_idlr = np.sqrt(self.idlr_beam.calc_overlap_integral(z_to_focus, self.idlr, self.pump, self.pump_beam, self.crystal)) elif np.mean(waist_s) <= np.mean(waist_i): self.sgnl_P_to_a = self.sgnl_beam.rtP_to_a_2(self.sgnl,self.crystal,z_to_focus) self.pump_P_to_a = self.pump_beam.rtP_to_a_2(self.pump, self.crystal, None, waist_s) self.idlr_P_to_a = self.idlr_beam.rtP_to_a_2(self.idlr, self.crystal, None, waist_s) self.overlap_pump = np.sqrt(self.pump_beam.calc_overlap_integral(z_to_focus, self.pump, self.sgnl, self.sgnl_beam, self.crystal)) self.overlap_sgnl = 1.0 self.overlap_idlr = np.sqrt(self.idlr_beam.calc_overlap_integral(z_to_focus, self.idlr, self.sgnl, self.sgnl_beam, self.crystal)) else: self.idlr_P_to_a = self.idlr_beam.rtP_to_a_2(self.idlr,self.crystal, None, waist_i) self.sgnl_P_to_a = self.sgnl_beam.rtP_to_a_2(self.sgnl, self.crystal, None, waist_i) self.pump_P_to_a = self.pump_beam.rtP_to_a_2(self.pump, self.crystal, None, waist_i) self.overlap_pump = np.sqrt(self.pump_beam.calc_overlap_integral(z_to_focus, self.pump, self.idlr, self.idlr_beam, self.crystal)) self.overlap_sgnl = np.sqrt(self.sgnl_beam.calc_overlap_integral(z_to_focus, self.sgnl, self.idlr, self.idlr_beam, self.crystal)) self.overlap_idlr = 1.0 if self._plot_beam_overlaps and abs(z-self.last_calc_z) > self.crystal.length_mks*0.001: plt.subplot(131) plt.plot(z*1e3, np.mean(self.overlap_pump), '.b') plt.plot(z*1e3, np.mean(self.overlap_sgnl), '.k') plt.plot(z*1e3, np.mean(self.overlap_idlr), '.r') plt.subplot(132) plt.plot(z*1e3, np.mean(waist_p)*1e6, '.b') plt.plot(z*1e3, np.mean(waist_s)*1e6, '.k') plt.plot(z*1e3, np.mean(waist_i)*1e6, '.r') plt.subplot(133) plt.plot(z*1e3, np.mean(R_p), '.b') plt.plot(z*1e3, np.mean(R_s), '.k') plt.plot(z*1e3, np.mean(R_i), '.r') self.last_calc_z = z else: # Life is simple in waveguide mode (for large V number WG) self.pump_P_to_a = self.pump_beam.rtP_to_a(self.n_p) self.sgnl_P_to_a = self.sgnl_beam.rtP_to_a(self.n_s) self.idlr_P_to_a = self.idlr_beam.rtP_to_a(self.n_i) self.AsAi[:] = np.power(self.phi_p, -1.0)*\ self.fftobject.conv(self.sgnl_P_to_a * self.As(y) * self.phi_s, self.idlr_P_to_a * self.Ai(y) * self.phi_i) self.ApAs[:] = np.power(self.phi_i, -1.0)*\ self.fftobject.corr(self.pump_P_to_a * self.Ap(y) * self.phi_p, self.sgnl_P_to_a * self.As(y) * self.phi_s) self.ApAi[:] = np.power(self.phi_s, -1.0)*\ self.fftobject.corr(self.pump_P_to_a * self.Ap(y) * self.phi_p, self.idlr_P_to_a * self.Ai(y) * self.phi_i) L = self.veclength # np.sqrt(2 / (c * eps * pi * waist**2)) converts to electric field # # From the Seres & Hebling paper, # das/dz + i k as = F(ap, ai) # The change of variables is as = As exp[-ikz], so that # # das/dz = dAs/dz exp[-ikz] - ik As exp[ikz] # das/dz + ik as = ( dAs/dz exp[-ikz] - ik As exp[-ikz] ) + i k As exp[-ikz] # = dAs/dz exp[-ikz] # The integration is done in the As variables, to remove the fast k # dependent term. The procedure is: # 1) Calculate F(ai(Ai), ap(Ap)) # 2) Multiply by exp[+ikz] # If the chi-3 terms are included: if not self.disable_SPM: logging.warn('Warning: this code not updated with correct field-are scaling. Fix it if you use it!') jpap = self.phi_p**-1 * self.fftobject.conv(self.jl_p, self.Ap(y) * self.phi_p) * \ np.sqrt(2. / (constants.speed_of_light * constants.epsilon_0 * np.pi * waist_p**2)) jsas = self.phi_s**-1 * self.fftobject.conv(self.jl_s, self.As(y) * self.phi_s) * \ np.sqrt(2. / (constants.speed_of_light* constants.epsilon_0 * np.pi * waist_s**2)) jiai = self.phi_i**-1 * self.fftobject.conv(self.jl_i, self.Ai(y) * self.phi_i) * \ np.sqrt(2. / (constants.speed_of_light* constants.epsilon_0 * np.pi * waist_i**2)) dydx[0 :L ] = 1j * 2 * self.AsAi * self.pump.W_mks * deff / (constants.speed_of_light* self.n_p) / \ self.pump_P_to_a -1j * self.pump.w_hz * self.crystal.n2 / (2.*np.pi*self.c) * jpap dydx[L :2*L] = 1j * 2 * self.ApAi * self.sgnl.W_mks * deff / (constants.speed_of_light* self.n_s) / \ self.sgnl_P_to_a -1j * self.sgnl.w_hz * self.crystal.n2 / (2.*np.pi*self.c) * jsas dydx[2*L:3*L] = 1j * 2 * self.ApAs * self.idlr.W_mks * deff / (constants.speed_of_light* self.n_i) / \ self.idlr_P_to_a -1j * self.idler.w_hz * self.crystal.n2 / (2.*np.pi*self.c) * jiai else: # Only chi-2: # pump dydx[0 :L ] = 1j * 2 * self.AsAi * self.pump.W_mks * deff / (constants.speed_of_light * self.n_p) / \ (self.pump_P_to_a) # signal dydx[L :2*L] = 1j * 2 * self.ApAi * self.sgnl.W_mks * deff / (constants.speed_of_light * self.n_s) / \ (self.sgnl_P_to_a) # idler dydx[2*L:3*L] = 1j * 2 * self.ApAs * self.idlr.W_mks * deff / (constants.speed_of_light * self.n_i) / \ (self.idlr_P_to_a)
[docs] def process_stepper_output(self, solver_out): """ Post-process output of ODE solver. The saved data from an ODE solved are the pump, signal, and idler in the dispersionless reference frame. To see the pulses "as they really are", this dispersion must be added back in. Parameters ---------- solver_out Output class instance from ODESolve Returns --------- dfg_results Instance of dfg_results_interface class """ npoints = self.veclength pump_out = solver_out.ysave[0:solver_out.count, 0 : npoints] sgnl_out = solver_out.ysave[0:solver_out.count, npoints : 2*npoints] idlr_out = solver_out.ysave[0:solver_out.count, 2*npoints: 3*npoints] zs = solver_out.xsave[0:solver_out.count] print ('Pulse velocity is ~ '+str(self.approx_pulse_speed*1e-12)+'mm/fs' ) print('ks: '+str(self.k_p_0)+' '+str(self.k_s_0)+' '+str(self.k_i_0)) pump_pulse_speed = constants.speed_of_light / self.n_p[self._pump_center_idx] for i in range(solver_out.count): z = zs[i] t = z / pump_pulse_speed phi_p = np.exp(1j * ((self.k_p + self.k_p_0) * z - t * self.pump.W_mks) ) phi_s = np.exp(1j * ((self.k_s + self.k_s_0) * z - t * self.sgnl.W_mks)) phi_i = np.exp(1j * ((self.k_i + self.k_i_0) * z - t * self.idlr.W_mks)) pump_out[i, :] *= phi_p sgnl_out[i, :] *= phi_s idlr_out[i, :] *= phi_i interface = dfg_results_interface(self, pump_out, sgnl_out, idlr_out, zs) return interface
[docs] def format_overlap_plots(self): plt.subplot(131) plt.ylabel('Overlap with smallest beam') plt.xlabel('Crystal length (mm)') plt.subplot(132) plt.ylabel('Beam waist (um)') plt.xlabel('Crystal length (mm)') plt.subplot(133) plt.ylabel('Beam curvature (m)') plt.xlabel('Crystal length (mm)')
class dfg_results_interface: """ Interface to output of DFG solver. This class provides a clean way of working with the DFG field using the Pulse class. Notes ----- After initialization, calling:: get_{pump,sgnl,idlr}(n) will set the dfg results class' "pulse" instance to the appropriate field and return it. Example ------- To plot the 10th saved signal field, you would call:: p = dfg_results_interface.get_sgnl(10-1) plt.plot(p.T_ps, abs(p.AT)**2 ) To get the actual position (z [meters]) that this corresponds to, call:: z = dfg_results_interface.get_z(10-1) """ n_saves = 0 pump_field = [] sgnl_field = [] idlr_field = [] def __init__(self, integrand_instance, pump, sgnl, idlr, z): self.pulse = integrand_instance.pump.create_cloned_pulse() self.pump_wl = integrand_instance.pump.center_wavelength_nm self.sgnl_wl = integrand_instance.sgnl.center_wavelength_nm self.idlr_wl = integrand_instance.idlr.center_wavelength_nm self.pump_field = pump[:] self.sgnl_field = sgnl[:] self.idlr_field = idlr[:] self.pump_max_field = np.max(abs(pump)) self.sgnl_max_field = np.max(abs(sgnl)) self.idlr_max_field = np.max(abs(idlr)) self.pump_max_temporal = np.max(abs(np.fft.fft(pump))) self.sgnl_max_temporal = np.max(abs(np.fft.fft(sgnl))) self.idlr_max_temporal = np.max(abs(np.fft.fft(idlr))) self.zs = z[:] self.n_saves = len(z) print('wls: '+str(self.pump_wl)+' '+str(self.sgnl_wl)+' '+str(self.idlr_wl)) def get_z(self, n): return self.zs[n] def get_pump(self, n): self.pulse.set_AW(self.pump_field[n]) self.pulse.set_center_wavelength_nm(self.pump_wl) return self.pulse def get_sgnl(self, n): self.pulse.set_AW(self.sgnl_field[n]) self.pulse.set_center_wavelength_nm(self.sgnl_wl) return self.pulse def get_idlr(self, n): self.pulse.set_AW(self.idlr_field[n]) self.pulse.set_center_wavelength_nm(self.idlr_wl) return self.pulse class fftcomputer: def __init__(self, gridsize): self.gridsize = gridsize if PYFFTW_AVAILABLE: self.corrin = pyfftw.empty_aligned(gridsize*2,'complex128') self.corrtransfer = pyfftw.empty_aligned(gridsize*2,'complex128') self.fft = pyfftw.FFTW(self.corrin,self.corrtransfer,direction='FFTW_FORWARD') self.backout = pyfftw.empty_aligned(gridsize*2,'complex128') self.ifft = pyfftw.FFTW(self.corrtransfer,self.backout,direction='FFTW_BACKWARD') else: self.corrin = np.zeros( (gridsize*2,), dtype = np.complex128) self.corrtransfer = np.zeros( (gridsize*2,), dtype = np.complex128) self.backout = np.zeros( (gridsize*2,), dtype = np.complex128) def pyfft_style_fft(): self.corrtransfer[:] = np.fft.fft(self.corrin) return self.corrtransfer def pyfft_style_ifft(): self.backout[:] = np.fft.ifft(self.corrtransfer) return self.backout self.fft = pyfft_style_fft self.ifft = pyfft_style_ifft def corr(self, data1, data2): n = self.gridsize self.corrin[:] = 0 self.corrin[:n] = data2 temp = np.conjugate(np.copy(self.fft())) self.corrin[:] = 0 self.corrin[:n] = data1 ans = self.fft() ans[:] = ans*temp return fftpack.ifftshift(np.copy(self.ifft()))[(n>>1):n+(n>>1)] def conv(self, resp, sig): n = self.gridsize self.corrin[:] = 0 self.corrin[n:] = resp temp = np.copy(self.fft()) self.corrin[:] = 0 self.corrin[:n] = sig ans = self.fft() ans[:] = ans*temp return fftpack.ifftshift(np.copy(self.ifft()))[(n>>1):n+(n>>1)]