Source code for pynlo.devices.grating_compressor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Jul 23 09:40:41 2015
This file is part of pyNLO.

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    pyNLO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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@author: ycasg
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
from scipy import constants, misc, signal, integrate

[docs]class TreacyCompressor: """ This class calculates the effects of a grating-based pulse compressor, as described in E. B. Treacy, "Optical Pulse Compression With Diffraction Gratings", IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics QE5(9), p454 (1969): It implements eqn 5b from Treacy1969: :: -4 pi^2 c b {1} dt/dw = ------------------------------------- w^3 d^2 (1- (2 pi c/ wd - sin gamma)^2) where gamma is the diffraction angle, w is the angular frequency, d is the grating ruling period, and b is the slant distance between gratings, :: {1b} b = G sec(gamma - theta) where G is the grating separation and theta is the acute angle between indicent and diffracted rays (text before eq 4). The grating equation :: relates the angles (generalized eq 3): {2} sin(gamma - theta) + sin(gamma) = m lambda / d More conventionally, the grating equation is cast in terms of the incident and diffracted ray angles, :: {3} sin(alpha) + sin(beta) = m lambda / d. It makes sense to solve {3} using the grating specifications (eg for optimum incident angle a) and then derive Treacy's theta and gamma: :: {4} gamma = alpha theta = gamma - alpha This code only considers first order diffraction, as most gratings are designed for this (eg LightSmyth transmission gratings.) """ d = 0.0 # grating period (meters) g = 0.0 # incident beam angle wrt grating def __init__(self, lines_per_mm, incident_angle_degrees): """ Initialize with the two parameters intrinsic to the grating, the ruling density and design angle of incidence. """ self.d = 1.0e-3 / lines_per_mm self.g = incident_angle_degrees * 2.0*np.pi / 360.0 def calc_theta(self, wavelength_nm, display_angle = False): l = wavelength_nm * 1.0e-9 # First solve the grating equation {3} for the diffracted angle if np.any((l/self.d - np.sin(self.g))< -1) or np.any((l/self.d - np.sin(self.g)) > 1): print( "Bad value for argument of arcsin: ",\ l/self.d - np.sin(self.g),'. You are probably asking for diffraction of an impossible color (this wavelength is ',l*1e9,'nm. Coercing to [-1,1].' ) val = l/self.d - np.sin(self.g) if type(val) == np.ndarray: val[val>1] = 1 val[val<-1] = -1 alpha = np.arcsin(val ) if display_angle: print ('diffraction angle = ',alpha * 360.0/(2.0*np.pi) ) # Then calculate gamma (ok, this is not much work because b = gamma). # Calculate theta from {4}: theta = self.g-alpha return theta def calc_dt_dw_singlepass(self, wavelength_nm, grating_separation_meters, verbose = False): c = constants.speed_of_light G = grating_separation_meters l = wavelength_nm * 1.0e-9 w = 2.0 * np.pi * c / l theta = self.calc_theta(wavelength_nm, display_angle = verbose) gamma = self.g b = G / np.cos(gamma - theta) return (-4.0 * np.pi**2 * c * b)/ (w**3 * self.d**2 * (1.0 - (2.0*np.pi*c/(w*self.d) - np.sin(gamma))**2 )) def calc_dphi_domega(self, omega, grating_separation_meters, verbose = False): c = constants.speed_of_light wavelength_nm = 1.0e9*2.0 * np.pi * c / omega G = grating_separation_meters theta = self.calc_theta(wavelength_nm, display_angle = verbose) gamma = self.g b = G / np.cos(gamma - theta) p = b*(1.+np.cos(theta)) return p/c def calc_compressor_gdd(self, wavelength_nm, grating_separation_meters): return 2.0 * self.calc_dt_dw_singlepass(wavelength_nm, grating_separation_meters, verbose = False)
[docs] def calc_compressor_HOD(self, wavelength_nm, grating_separation_meters, dispersion_order): """ Calculate higher order dispersion by taking w - derivatives of dt/dw """ if dispersion_order < 3: raise ValueError('Order must be > 2. For TOD, specify 3.') w_of_l = lambda x: 2.0*np.pi*constants.speed_of_light / (x*1.0e-9) l_of_w = lambda x: 1.0e9*2.0*np.pi*constants.speed_of_light / x fn = lambda x:self.calc_compressor_gdd(l_of_w(x), grating_separation_meters) return misc.derivative(fn, w_of_l(wavelength_nm), n = dispersion_order - 2, dx = 2.0*np.pi*100.0e6, # Use dx = 100 MHz order = 101 ) # Why not use 101's order?
[docs] def calc_compressor_dnphi_domega_n(self, wavelength_nm, grating_separation_meters, dispersion_order): """ Calculate higher order dispersion by taking w - derivatives of dt/dw """ if dispersion_order < 1: raise ValueError('Order must be > 2. For GDD, specify 1.') w_of_l = lambda x: 2.0*np.pi*constants.speed_of_light / (x*1.0e-9) fn = lambda x:self.calc_dphi_domega(x, grating_separation_meters) w0 = w_of_l(wavelength_nm) ws = np.linspace(w0 - 10.0e12,w0 + 10.0e12, 101) dphidw = fn(ws) y = signal.savgol_filter(dphidw, window_length = 11, polyorder = 7, deriv = dispersion_order) dw = (ws[1] - ws[0])*10**(-15*(1+dispersion_order)) return y[50]/(dw**dispersion_order)
[docs] def apply_phase_to_pulse(self, grating_separation_meters, pulse): """ Apply grating disersion (all orders) to a Pulse instance. Phase is computed by numerical integration of dphi/domega (from Treacy) """ w0 = pulse.center_frequency_THz * 2.0*np.pi*1.0e12 integrand = lambda x: 2.0 * self.calc_dphi_domega(x, grating_separation_meters) calc_phase = lambda x:integrate.quad(integrand, w0, x, epsabs = 1.0e-8,epsrel = 1.0e-8,)[0] vec_calc_phase = np.vectorize(calc_phase) phase = vec_calc_phase(pulse.W_mks) groupdelay = np.polyder(np.polyfit(pulse.W_mks, phase, 2))[0] pulse.apply_phase_W(phase + pulse.V_mks * groupdelay)